Monday 30 December 2013


I had one love standing
- inside it, ever changing
with things never setting

In endings and yonder
- the flowing, ever fonder
with time never in wonder

Place myself in real space
- no lady made me choice
I see no reason to be force

I had one love standing
- like the last man standing
the bullets, in understanding

I never knew real-love dear
- as fake love spoken to hear
not even once not even a year

Put myself in real pace
- no lady made me case
I see no reason, to mace

In endings and yonder
- the flowing, ever fonder
with time never in wonder

I had one love standing
- in all corners of tending
one love, inside it, standing

Linda Sakazi Thwala

Wednesday 23 October 2013


Even the weak get even –
Weary that, the heart will
 – Grow old and cold

Forever is but a fallacy –
For those that wear skin
 – Knowing weak and smiles

When they are fading –
Time, is dreaming chance
– To love, to hate, to be

It is in time, to let go –
To gain smiles turning
– Tension into intention

The weak walk by day –
For they sleep by night
– It is known by all man

The heart eats the corner –
In a hot space with chance
– Hoping for more, in more

Even in strength it beats –
Weary that it will grow cold
– Even with skin and old

By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Saturday 13 July 2013


I never knew, I had a shadow
Pushed away to be forgotten
In a space, that gives one draw
Its doors of earth stalled rotten
Like a mummy in an old land –
Nothing matters when it seals  
A man’s emotions are an Island
For no one cares how a man feels
Unless the show is in the money
The beginning, and the ending –
Of how his heart is defined phony
Eclipsed by the darkness pending  
I never knew it was there – dead
Dead, my heart to not take anew
For there is no honour in deed –
If you don’t show another manure 
Selling your soul right to the soil
I never knew, I had a shadow
For the doors of night were silent
Nothing heard, nothing moving
My nature always resigned to it
Knowing a man who fears the dark
Fears the road to his true self –
Like a face that fears an insular bark
A take it or leave it, choice to self
I never knew, I had a shadow
Pushed away to be forgotten
In a space, that gives one draw –
Until the light began to rise!

By Linda Sakazi Thwala
Linda Sakazi Twala

Saturday 6 July 2013


There is no price to war
That gives to man –
The kindness in the world

It is a shadow of death –
That takes away eclectic love
With  eyes of boom

No one knows pleasure from it  
It gives little angels penury –
Cuts free women’s sensual attitudes

The coins of war –
Leave men’s hands blotted
Minds filled with dreams of loot

Feeling the pain that is war –
In my veins – WAR
As deadly as skidding words

To disagree fundamentally
Does not mean - WAR
We should kill physically

The rhetoric shall paint –
An explosion of flawed desires
That destroys the shape of design

Dead bones through dead towns –
A plague to power in man’s minds
Pillars written in nonsensical pain

There is no price to war
That gives to man –
The kindness in the world

There is no winner, in its rhetoric
No Nation, No Peoples, No Peace  
A mechanical word to erase races

Those who go into it – no honour
Sending verbose spears to butcher
Envy man in peaceful plateaus

World War I, II – it was War
Vietnam – it was War
Iraq – it was War

Afghanistan – it was War
African Tribal Wars – War
The War on Terror – it is War
Racism and caste division - War

It is War! It is War! It is War! –
Pillars written in nonsensical pain

By Linda Sakazi Thwala

Thursday 20 June 2013


I am the Mecca of Poetry
She is my wordy lover –
And, I am her pilgrim

I go inside her – Poetry
With expectations, hope
My soul will be rectified

I am the Mecca of Poetry
With the fancy tower,
That leans – straightened

I go inside her – Poetry
Taken by my pilgrimage
My path of strength

I am a scholar, a lover –
A friend, a loner, an icon
That is a Mecca of Poetry

Make me be more – Poetry
Make me feel more – Poetry
Poetry, you are my Mecca

I go inside you  – Poetry
With expectations, hope
My soul will be satisfied

By Linda Sakazi Thwala
Linda Sakazi Twala

Wednesday 19 June 2013


The speaker walks devoid of word
In a place, that no man ever told
Like distant echoes, out off-site
A quiet world is sinking in dry
As the desert sands that one try
The speaker feels it in his walk
Love, has in a faraway place left
All the humane voices, were felt
In the seasoning meditation of wits
The closer journey is an attraction
To the tiring, step-by-step of man
Throwing metaphors in the still air!
Everything that has been, has faint
Frail aberrations of a dying season
The speaker walks devoid of word
The quiet words are stolen winds
Oddness in an abrasive tick of hour
A voice heard by the fallen light
Oration by the wings of redemption
The Heavens will see them fall –
Clipped between glow and gloom
A place that has no in betweens
The absolute is not love, nor hate
For there is no absolution in any
In its two sided silence and shouts
Like the walk that goes on endlessly
Enough came - enough was not steal
Enough left, for the heart was not steel
An oracle written in the days of youth
A child, a boy, a man, in the walk of life
The speaker walks devoid of word
Listening to the silence that speaks
The crashed cramped cracked words
Death will never know thee in death
For in death, thee shall stay on –
In a place, that no man ever told
Where the heart is mellow in yellow
The warming hands were not enough
But the silent walk will bring endurance
The warming feet will be all enough
In the voice of quiet peaceful peace

By Linda Sakazi Thwala
Linda Sakazi Twala